
Friday, 14 December 2012

do you feel guilty?

It has come to my attention that some of us mums feel guilty for wanting and needing time to ourselves. Obviously we don't get time to do what we want all the time but just sometimes its nice to do something for ourselves or go out ALONE, even going to the shops by ourselves (without having to get the pram out, then get the baby out, strap them in, then make sure your 3 year old hasn't run out in front of a car) can be heavenly, even driving somewhere alone with the music cranked is enjoyable.

Don't get me wrong, I love my kids to death and I love being a mum but I still love to have my own space, I NEED my own space, in order to be a good mum. Luckily my husband knows me and knows I like my own company and that I need to sometimes go out on my own. I have a friend of 15 years and every few months we go on a 'date night' we go to dinner and then to the movies, and we also drive the long way so we have longer to chat, I look forward to this alot, a good chat and a wonderful friend?? its what I NEED! I also love the fact that I can just leave my 3 boys with my husband without any instructions and I can go out without worry, he has never been the type to ring me and ask me questions about wheres the kids this and wheres that, he just does what he needs to do and that's it, he doesn't bother me and also never asks me what time am I coming home, He is a keeper for sure!

My husband also has time to himself, he has one or two nights a week where he plays xbox, and this suits me because I then go off to our bedroom, light some candles and watch what I want to watch on TV. We all need our own space and time to relax. We DESERVE it! Being a parent is one of the most hardest jobs in the world and we are on call 24/7, we don't clock off and we certainly don't get any sick days, nor do we get paid, so whats wrong with a bit of time out from everyone and doing something we deserve? whether that's going out for a coffee with a friend, or going to the movies, even going for a walk listening to your Ipod.

 Sometimes you need to put yourself first!

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